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What to Have on a Business Card: Essential Elements for a Professional Impression

business cards uk

A business card is more than just a piece of paper; it’s a powerful tool for making a lasting impression. Whether you’re at a networking event, a business meeting, or a casual encounter, a well-designed business card can be the key to opening doors and forging valuable connections. In this blog, we’ll explore the essential elements you need on a business card to ensure it stands out and effectively communicates your brand. At DiscoverPrint, we specialize in creating high-quality, customized business cards that leave a lasting impact.

business cards uk

1. Your Name and Title

Your Name

Your name is the most important element on your business card. It should be prominent and easy to read. Use a font size and style that ensures clarity.

Your Title

Including your title or position within the company provides context about your role. This helps the recipient understand your level of authority and expertise.

Also Read : Business Card Size & Dimensions Guide UK – Free Templates & Design

2. Company Name and Logo

Company Name

Clearly display the name of your company. This is crucial for brand recognition and credibility.

Company Logo

A well-designed logo reinforces your brand identity. Place it in a prominent position on your card to ensure it’s easily noticed.

Also Read : The Future of Business Cards in a Digital Age

3. Contact Information

Phone Number

Include a direct phone number where you can be reached. If you have multiple numbers, list the one you prefer for business inquiries.

Email Address

An email address is essential for professional communication. Make sure it’s a professional address (e.g., rather than a personal one.

Physical Address

If your business has a physical location, include the address. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on local clients or foot traffic.

Website URL

Your website is a valuable resource for potential clients to learn more about your services. Include your website URL and make sure it’s easy to remember.

Social Media Handles

If social media is an important part of your business strategy, include handles or icons for platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram. Only include those you actively use for business purposes.

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4. Tagline or Slogan

A concise tagline or slogan can effectively communicate your brand’s mission or unique selling proposition. Keep it short and memorable.

5. QR Code

A QR code can provide a quick and convenient way for people to access your website, portfolio, or contact information. Make sure it’s functional and leads to a mobile-friendly page.

6. Design Elements

Colour Scheme

Choose a colour scheme that reflects your brand identity. Consistent use of brand colours helps reinforce your brand’s visual identity.


Select fonts that are professional and easy to read. Avoid overly decorative fonts that may compromise readability.


Don’t overcrowd your business card with too much information. Use whitespace effectively to create a clean and professional look.

7. Professional Headshot (Optional)

Including a professional headshot can make your business card more personal and memorable, especially in networking scenarios where people meet many new contacts.

8. Back of the Card

Additional Information

Use the back of your business card to include additional information like a list of services, a brief bio, or a special offer.

Design Consistency

Ensure that the design on the back of the card is consistent with the front. This maintains a professional and cohesive look.

Why Choose DiscoverPrint for Your Business Cards?

At DiscoverPrint, we understand the importance of a well-crafted business card. Here’s why you should choose us:

  • High-Quality Materials: We use premium materials to ensure your business cards are durable and professional.
  • Custom Design Options: Work with our design team to create a unique business card that represents your brand.
  • Fast Turnaround: Get your business cards quickly without compromising on quality.
  • Competitive Pricing: Enjoy top-quality business cards at affordable prices.


A business card is a reflection of your professional identity. By including these essential elements, you can create a business card that not only provides important information but also leaves a lasting impression. At DiscoverPrint, we are committed to helping you create business cards that stand out and effectively communicate your brand. Contact us today to start designing your perfect business card.

For more information or to place an order, visit DiscoverPrint.

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